Treatment of internal hemorrhoid hemorrhage and prolapse with Yizi Decoction based on “the ascending and descending theory” of traditional Chinese medicine#br# |
YUAN Run1 JIANG Yun2 LEI Li2 LI Huashan1 |
1.Department of Proctology, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China;
2.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract The ascending and descending theory is of great clinical significance in the theory system of traditional Chinese medicine, and is widely used in various systemic diseases. Although internal hemorrhoid hemorrhage and prolapse is a local disease, its internal mechanism reflects the dynamic imbalance of the whole qi, blood, yin, and yang. Clinical treatment of internal hemorrhoids in traditional Chinese medicine often card the rise and fall of qi machine. Yizi Decoction is regarded as an excellent prescription for hemorrhoids and also used for many kinds of anorectal diseases because of adjusting the disturbance in ascending and descending, which contains the meaning of acrid opening and bitter downbearing, clearing cooperate with scattering. Modern doctors based on the ascending and descending theory as the guiding ideology, the modified treatment of internal hemorrhoids hemorrhage and prolapse based on the Yizi Decoction, flexible use and achieved good results. This paper introduces the long history of traditional Chinese medicine in understanding internal hemorrhoids and the valuable experience in the formulation of Yizi Decoction under the guidance of ascending and descending theory, and expounds the clinical application of Yizi Decoction in the treatment of internal haemorrhoid hemorrhage and prolapse,inherits and excavates the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment for internal haemorrhoid hemorrhage and prolapse, and enriches the internal treatment methods of anorectal diseases.
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