Survey on the current situation of undergraduate anesthesiology students applying the Internet to enhance their independent learning ability |
LIN Hongyu1 ZHONG Hongge2 WANG Boqing3 YANG Zhongyu4 ZHENG Qi4 YANG Tianyu4 REN Yanghao4 WANG Tianhai1 |
1.Anesthesia and Perioperative Medical Center, the Third Clinical Medical College, Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China;
2.Department of Pulmonary MedicineⅡ, the Third Clinical College, Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China; 3.Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Third Clinical College, Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China; 4.Graduate School, Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the objective conditions and subjective recognition of the application of the Internet to enhance independent learning among undergraduate anesthesiology students. Methods The undergraduate education students enrolled in the Department of Anesthesiology of Xinjiang Medical University from 2017 to 2021 were selected as the respondents, and the survey was conducted from September 23 to 27, 2021 using a questionnaire star. The categorical questions in the questionnaire was used to evaluated the students’ objective conditions of the school’s provision of Internet hardware, students’ Internet learning style, habits, and motivation; the quantitative questions was used to evaluated the students’ acceptance of using the Internet to enhance their independent learning skills. Results A total of 285 valid papers were issued, and the effective return rate of the questionnaire was 100%, Six valid questions were statistically screened among the quantitative questions with a mean score of 1.3, and the difference was statistically significant when compared with the median 1 (P < 0.01). The classification questions showed that only 2.1% of students use foreign language databases to find professional knowledge; for extracurricular knowledge, 72.6% of students use the Internet to obtain relevant knowledge; only 1.8% of students pay little attention to Internet learning resources; 62.8% of students’ intrinsic drive for independent learning needs to come from the arrangement of teachers; 67.4% of students think that the Internet resources provided by their schools can meet their learning needs. Conclusion Students have a positive attitude toward the recognition of using the Internet to enhance their learning ability, and are satisfied with the hardware facilities and network resources provided by the school; however, they still do not have a good grasp of the usage methods and make full use of the available Internet resources as a whole. Students also need to improve their independent learning ability under the guidance of the course or the relevant teacher, to reduce the adverse interference of the Internet to students, to mobilize their subjective initiative, and to achieve the ability to improve independent learning using the Internet.
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