Experience of Professor Tang Xudong in treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia based on the principle of “attacking toxin and resolving hard mass, strengthening and consolidating body resistance” |
LIU Jian1 LI Rui1 MAO Yue1 JIN Nan1 JIANG Peizhen2 TANG Xudong2 |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Hematology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Traditional Sciences, Beijing 100091, China |
Abstract Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a type of chronic B cell lymphoproliferative disease, which is more common in the elderly. In recent years, the incidence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia is increasing, and many patients simply use western medicine chemotherapy, its effect is not ideal, and side effects happen a lot, high recurrence rate and mortality. Professor Tang Xudong is good at diagnosis and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia from the perspective of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, the effect is remarkable, quite experienced. Professor Tang mostly treats chronic lymphocytic leukemia from the treatment idea of “attacking toxin and resolving hard mass, strengthening and consolidating body resistance”. In the early stage, “attacking toxin and resolving hard mass” is used as the method to break blood and remove blood stasis, disinfect and resolve hard mass, and remove pathogenic qi. In the middle stage, the method of “strengthening and consolidating body resistance” is used to consolidat body resistance and strengthen vital qi, help the pathogenic qi go out. In the later stage, “benefiting qi and nourishing yin” is the main method, benefiting qi and consolidating body resistance, nourishing yin, and promoting fluid production, and replenishing the vital qi of the body damaged by diseases. Professor Tang to “attacking toxin and resolving hard mass, strengthening and consolidating body resistance” for treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in the treatment of before, during, and after use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, at the same time of removing pathogenic qi, take care of the vital qi of the injured human body and treat and use the medicine flexibly according to the clinical symptoms and related syndrome of the patients, which has achieved good results, which is worth learning and reference.
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