Professor Li Fazhi’s treatment experience of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome based on the spleen and stomach is the foundation of the five viscera |
YANG Ruihan1 MA Xiuxia2 MENG Pengfei2 LI Liangping2 DING Xue2 SONG Xiyuan2 CUI Weifeng3 XU Liran2#br# |
1.Graduate School, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450046, China;
2.Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Research Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450000, China;
3.Department of Hypertension, Affiliated Hospital of Henan Academy of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450004, China |
Abstract Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome has always been one of the major infectious diseases threatening the safety of human life, and its prevention and treatment is the key and difficult problem to be solved clinically. Through many years of clinical practice, Professor Li Fazhi believes that the disease manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is similar to the “consumption disease” of traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Li Fazhi pays attention to the theoretical idea that the spleen and stomach is the foundation of the five viscera, and emphasizes the nursing effect of the spleen and stomach on the five viscera. He points out that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome attacks people. First of all, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome damages the spleen and stomach. Gradually, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome leads to the loss of the heart, lung, kidney, and liver. Finally, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome causes the weakness of qi and blood, yin and yang of the five viscera. And it also causes the accumulation of pathological products such as blood stasis and phlegm, thus leading to a variety of concomitant diseases. The key to the pathogenesis is that the human immunodeficiency virus damages the primordial qi, spleen and stomach deficiency accompanied by internal dampness, loss of nourishment of the five viscera, weakness of qi and blood, and yin and yang loss. The change of the pathogenesis throughout the whole process of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Professor Li Fazhi emphasizes the importance of strengthening the spleen and stomach and caring for the middle soil in the treatment to correct the deficiency of the five viscera and various complications caused by human immunodeficiency virus. At the same time, he attaches great importance to distinguishing between deficiency and excess to achieve the effect of dispelling the evils of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and nourishing primordial qi. The case is attached here to support the theory.
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