Discussion on Professor Wu Rongzu’s academic thought in the treatment of liver cancer based on the qi movement circular movement theory |
QIU Xiangyu HU Yamin GUAN Donglong XIONG Guofen HUANG Dan WU Shiguo |
School of Basic Medicine, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Province, Kunming 650500, China |
Abstract Professor Wu Rongzu is a descendant of Yunnan School of the Fire God. Based on the in-depth study of Zheng Qinan’s fuyang thought and Peng Ziyi’s circular movement theory, Professor Wu Rongzu believes that the circular movement of human qi movement takes middle-earth as the axis,and the four images of water, fire, metal, and wood as the wheel, which together constitute the circular movement of the wheel axis. The three yin(Shaoyin, Taiyin, and Jueyin)yang qi deficiency and failure is the key pathogenesis of dysfunction of circular movement in transportation. Liver cancer is the result of the three yin yang qi unable to rise, abnormal circular movement of human qi movement, immobility of cold and dampness, phlegm coagulated by fluid,disharmony of qi and blood,blood stasis, phlegm and stasis coagulating with lump forming. In the treatment, Wuyu Sini Decoction and Linggui Zhugan Decoction are used to warm the cold of kidney water, dry the wet of spleen soil, warm the depression of liver wood. Kidney yang of Shaoyin is warmly lifted to warm the spleen yang, the axis works to change the phlegm and dampness of liver cancer; liver yang of Jueyin is warmly raised to run the outer wheel to regulate qi and blood, except the blood stasis caused by liver cancer.
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