Qualitative study on the current status of medication safety in chronic disease patients with long-term medication prescriptions from the perspective of general practitioners |
CHEN Yanxiang1,2 FENG Zhengwen1 HU Yongqiang2 LI Hui1 DU Juan1 |
1.School of General Practice and Continuing Education, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China;
2.Department of General Practice, Changying Community Health Service Center, Beijing 100024, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the cognition and influencing factors of general practitioners in Beijing urban areas on the current situation of medication safety for chronically ill patients with long-term medication prescriptions, and to put forward reasonable suggestions for formulating medication safety interventions for chronically-ill patients with long-term medication prescriptions in the future. Methods Using the objective sampling method, 16 general practitioners (numbered A to P) from mne community health service centers in Chaoyang District, Beijing were selected as the research subjects. Using the method of one-on-one in-depth interviews, 16 general practitioners were interviewed according to the interview outline from March to June 2021. The content analysis method was used to organize and analyze the data and summarize the interview topics. Results After collating and analyzing the interview data, three themes were extracted. ①There were 10 common medication errors in patients with chronic diseases, such as increasing or decreasing the dose of medication by themselves, repeated medication, wrong medication time and wrong medication method during taking medication. ②The influencing factors that lead to drug safety problems in patients were mainly four aspects including medical staff, patients, families and policy-related factors: doctors’ lack of health education to patients and untimely follow-up; patients’ lack of knowledge and attention to drug use knowledge and skills; timely; insufficient participation of family members; untimely supply of some long-term mediation prescription drugs leads to interruption of patients’ medication and inconsistent specifications and quantities of drugs prescribed by various pharmaceutical factory directors, which indirectly affects the safety of patients’ medication. ③Various measures should be taken to improve the safety of patients’ medication. The main measures include strengthening medication safety education for patients, regular follow-up visits, and encouraging family members to participate and support. Conclusion The drug safety problem of chronically ill long-term mediation prescription patients is prominent, and the collaborative role of the family doctor’s service team should be brought into full play, and patients and family members should be encouraged to participate in drug management. The policy guarantees the unification of the supply of some long-prescription drugs and the number of drugs in each box, improves patient compliance with medication, improves patient medication safety, and promotes the further implementation of the long-prescription policy.
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