Analysis of Professor Wei Qiping’s medication rules and characteristics in treating optic atrophy |
SHUI Xiaoding1 GONG Xiaohong2 WEI Qiping2 LIAO Liang2 CHEN Tao1 XIA Yanting2#br# |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Ophthalmology, Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China |
Abstract Objective To organize and summarize the rules and characteristics of Professor Wei Qiping’s medication for optic atrophy based on data mining. Methods From January 2015 to April 2022, the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine used by Professor Wei Qiping for the treatment of optic atrophy were collected. The frequency, efficacy, four nature, five flavours, and channel tropism of traditional Chinese medicine for optic atrophy were analyzed. Association rules, cluster analysis, and factor analysis were used to explore potential medication rules. Results A total of 692 prescriptions and 212 traditional Chinese medicine were included. The most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines were Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Aurantii Fructus, Lycii Fructus; reinforcing-deficiency drugs, superficies-relieving drugs, and regulating qi-flowing drugs ranked the top three in the category of drugs. Drug properties were mostly plain; the taste of drug was mostly sweet, bitter, and pungent; the channel tropism were mainly liver and spleen channels. Eight core drug combinations were obtained by cluster analysis. A total of six common factors were extracted by factor analysis. Conclusion In the treatment of optic atrophy, Professor Wei Qiping attaches great importance to dispersing stagnated liver qi for relieving qi stagnation, while taking into account resolving phlegm and promoting blood circulation, nourishing blood and strengthening spleen.
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