Professor Deng Gaopi’s experience in the treatment of gynecological pain syndrome by using couplet medicines Leonuri Fructus and Herba Artemisiae Lactiflorae |
HUANG Yanxi1 YUAN Shuo1 WANG Naiping2 DENG Gaopi1 |
1.Department of Gynaecology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China; 2.Department of Gynaecology, Dongguan Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Dongguan 511700, China |
Abstract Professor Deng Gaopi finds that the most common syndrome type of gynecological pain syndrome is blood stasis syndrome. Among the pathogenic factors of the disease, blood stasis is particularly important, or combined withdamp, heat and deficiency. Due to the influence of local region and climate, people in Lingnan area are prone to feel the evil of damp and heat. Therefore, blood stasis syndrome combined with damp and heat is more common in gynecological pain syndrome in Lingnan area, and the symptoms of abdominal pain during menstruation and leukorrhea heavy are common. The couplet medicines of Leonuri Fructus and Herba Artemisiae Lactiflorae are commonly used for etiology and syndrome differentiation. The dosage is 10 - 15 g. Among them, Leonuri Fructus can promote blood circulation for regulating menstruation, activate qi flowing for dissipating blood stasis. Herba Artemisiae Lactiflorae can promote blood circulation for promoting menstruation, regulating qi-flowing for eliminating damp. The combination of the two can make the dampness and the blood stasis dissipate, the evil goes away and the evil remains, and play the functions of activating qi flowing, promoting diuresis, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis and relieving pain. The use of the couplet medicines is clinically effective in the treatment of gynecological pain syndrome, which is consistent with the etiology and pathogenesis characteristics of gynecological pain syndrome in Lingnan. It is worthy of reference and promotion.
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