Wei Ni’s experience abstract in treating gouty arthritis in young people |
CHEN Xia WEI Ni#br# |
Department of Rheumatology, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China |
Abstract Gout is a heterogeneous group of diseases caused by purine metabolism disorder and/or uric acid excretion disorder. Gouty arthritis is the main clinical manifestation. The prevalence of gouty arthritis is increasing year by year, showing a trend of younger onset. Associate chief physician Wei Ni thinks that compared with elderly patients, young patients with gouty arthritis have more congenital kidney qi deficiency and more frequent drinking and high-purine diets. In addition, bad emotions cause stagnation of liver qi, which affects the heart and lungs over time, and aggravates phlegm and dampness,blood stasis. These factors can cause frequent attacks of gouty arthritis, high blood uric acid levels, and a higher chance of tophi. Associate chief physician Wei Ni emphasizes that the five zang viscera should be coordinated to eliminate the source of phlegm, dampness, and blood stasis in the treatment of young patients with gouty arthritis. At the same time, the drug of dispelling stasis and removing obstruction in collaterals should be used as early as possible to prevent the formation of tophi.
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