Treatment of sleep-wake disorder from gallbladder |
ZHANG Ming1 LI Guixia2 ZHANG Jinhua2 WANG Weidong2 |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Psychology, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract The most common abnormal manifestations of sleep-wake disorder are insomnia and drowsiness. The recognition and treatment are usually based on zangfu dysfunction, in which few of them is from gallbladder. Inspired by the theory of “all the eleven zang depend on gallbladder”, here is a tentative discussion on the relationship between gallbladder and sleep-wake disorder and a systematic review of ideas about traditional Chinese medicine treatment of sleep-wake disorder from gallbladder. From the perspective of gallbladder being the pivot, gallbladder managing decision and gallbladder liking tranquility, it is summed up that gallbladder dysfunction leads to sleep-wake disorder in three ways: disharmony between yin and yang because of dysfunction of shaoyang pivot; emotional disorder because of deficiency of gallbladder and decision dysfunction; dredging failure because of impurity of gallbladder invaded by evil. This article ulteriorly enriches the theoretical and clinical study of traditional Chinese medicine in sleep-wake disorder.
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