Theoretical combing and application experience of clearing lung and invigorating spleen method in the treatment of allergic rhinitis |
QU Jing ZHI Nan LIAN Haihong CAO Shan#br# |
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China |
Abstract The method of clearing lung and invigorating spleen is an innovative method for the treatment of allergic rhinitis with lung heat and spleen dampness syndrome based on inheritance and practice. This paper combs the occurrence of allergic rhinitis with lung heat and spleen dampness syndrome, that is, the insidious pathogen of dampness heat is the internal basis, exuberance of lung heat, spleen deficiency and dampness aggregation, dampness heat cementation, and invading nasal orifices are important pathogenesis. It is pointed out that it is mainly due to the lung, related to the spleen, and the pathogenic factors are heat and dampness cementation. Therefore, the method of clearing lung and invigorating spleen is proposed. The specific herbs are analyzed from two angles, one is the primary and secondary drugs, which are different from monarch, minister, assistant and envoy; secondly, in terms of nature and flavour, it is divided into three categories: cold herbs clearing lung heat, tasteless flavor herbs invigorating spleen for promoting diuresis and spicy warm herbs dispelling wind for opening orifices. After years of practice and clinical research, this prescription has been proved to be safe and effective. This time, the key points of syndrome differentiation of lung heat and spleen dampness syndrome are summarized, which is convenient for clinical popularization. In the diagnosis and treatment of patients, the commonly used adjusted herbs are sorted out under the guidance of theory in different specific situations. Finally, an example of medical records is shown.
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