Study on strategies of maintaining national culture security via English teaching in the universities of Chinese medicine |
YAN Li1 KONG Xiangguo1 CHENG Wang2 WANG Shanshan1#br# |
1.School of Humanities, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China;
2.School of Marxism, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China
Abstract In the process of internationalization of higher education, the overt communication and implicit penetration of western ideology and its discourse system, to some extent, has impacted Chinese traditional culture and value system, making Chinese culture security face both international and domestic challenges. The study on how college English teaching undertakes the important mission of safeguarding national culture security would contribute to the current construction of “national consciousness” and the in-depth practice of “course ideology and politics” in foreign language education. This paper expounds the status quo and problems of college English teaching and puts forward four strategies to maintain Chinese culture security, taking Chinese medicine universities for example. It points out that deepening the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine culture related courses, highlighting the traditional Chinese medicine characteristic culture content, strengthening the appreciation of traditional Chinese medicine philosophy and culture, and enhancing the cultural demands of English learning from the internal and external variables of curricula, textbooks, teachers, and students respectively should be taken, in order to realize the reconstruction of college English teaching as an ecological system and achieve the “win-win” outcome of Chinese cultural communication and Chinese-western cultural exchange.
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