The value of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge protection from the origin of traditional Chinese medicine#br# |
SHI Xueqin LIU Qian WANG Liuqing QIN Peijie AN Hong LI Yu WANG Shiheng LIU Jianfeng#br# |
Institute of Chinese Medical History and Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China
Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and is in the stage of continuous development and progress. However, the current status of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance is not optimistic, and many excellent traditional Chinese medicine knowledge is on the verge of being lost. On the basis of facing up to the indelible historical value of traditional Chinese medicine and the current status of traditional Chinese medicine, it is urgent to do a good job in the protection of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, which requires us to have a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and the connotation of it, and fully grasp the protection value of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge. The protection of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge is of great value, it can solve the “pain of not being passed on” of traditional Chinese medicine and improve the clinical service capacity of traditional Chinese medicine, “innovation” development of traditional Chinese medicine on the basis of “inheritance”, promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and can enhance public recognition of traditional Chinese medicine and cultivate confidence in traditional Chinese medicine culture.
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