Clinical understand on Professor Wu Hong in treating chest bi with Fuling Xingren Gancao Decoction |
WANG Dicheng1 GE Luandie1 CAO Panxia1 HU Menghui1 WANG Kaixia1 WU Hong2#br# |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China;
2.Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China |
Abstract Fuling Xingren Gancao Decoction is a classic formula created by Zhongjing in treating chest bi. Professor Wu Hong is good at using classic formula to treat heart disease, he believes that fluid retention and qi stagnation is the main pathological factor of chest bi. The application of Fuling Xingren Gancao Decoction in treating chest bi has achieved good results. Combined with the syndrome differentiation thought of six meridians, formula syndrome, qi and blood and fluid, he puts forward that the main pathogenesis of this formula is taiyin disease, water and dampness stagnate in the interior, and qi is not smooth. The key points of formula syndrome are: oppression in chest and panting are the main syndrome, and the syndrome of pale and fat tongue, white and thick greasy fur, and stringy and slippery pulse, which are caused by stopping fluid, dampness retention and qi stagnation. Clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment of chest bi following this context, it will be easier to achieve the purpose of corresponding formula and syndrome, and fast effect. This paper analyzes Professor Wu Hong’s experience in clinical application of this prescription by quoting ancient and modern medical classics, and introducing a case study.
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