Application progress of finite element analysis method in vertebroplasty |
QIAN Cheng JIANG Tao#br# |
Department of Orthorpedics and Traumatology, Changzhou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Changzhou 213000, China |
Abstract The application of finite element analysis method in the study of spinal biomechanics has been quite mature with the rapid development of computer technology. The use of finite element analysis method can accurately simulate the complex mechanical environment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture and provide theoretical basis for the selection of surgical treatment plans. This paper reviews the application progress of finite element analysis method in vertebroplasty in recent years, and focuses on how the finite element analysis method plays a role in the selection of surgical approach, determination of bone cement dosage, and evaluation of bone cement materials.
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