Research and thinking on the health work of adolescents in China |
WANG Qiong |
Officials Training Center, National Health and Family Planning Commission, Beijing 100024, China |
Abstract Adolescents (10-19 years old) are a key stage in the development of life. The health and development of adolescents will affect the health and development of their lives and even the next generation. In recent years, the health work of adolescents in China has been carried out mainly from four aspects: injury, nutrition, mental health and sexual and reproductive health. It has achieved certain results, mainly in the improvement of adolescents′ nutritional status and physical development indicators. But the mental health status of adolescents is generally poor, the lack of reproductive health knowledge reserves, the incidence of female abortions are increasing year by year, and the problem of overweight and poor eyesight among young people is more prominent. The problems of adolescent health in China are inseparable from China′s talent evaluation mechanism, public opinion propaganda and traditional culture. To promote the health and development of Chinese adolescents, we must improve the top-level design, create a good public opinion environment, and provide health education and health services that is compatible with the characteristics of adolescents.
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