Discussion on medication rules in the treatment of distention and fullness based on ancient medical records |
LIU Haixu1 ZHOU Hongwei2 YANG Yong1#br# |
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Data Center, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Objective To summarize the medication rules of ancient physicians in the treatment of distention and fullness. Methods The ancient distention and fullness medical records in Yian Leiju were collected and sorted out, the data of prescriptions that met the inclusion criteria were standardized, the database of prescriptions were established, and SPSS Statistics 26.0 was used to conduct descriptive statistical analysis, high frequency drug cluster analysis, and factor analysis. Results A total of 163 cases of medical records of distention and fullness, 212 consultations, 212 prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, involving 196 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine were obtained. High frequency drugs included Pinelliae Rhizoma, Poria, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium and so on. Drug properties were mainly warm; drug tastes were mainly pungent, sweet and bitter; channel tropism were mainly spleen, stomach and lung channel. High frequency drug cluster analysis was divided into six categories, and nine common factors were extracted from factor analysis. Conclusion Ancient physicians treat distention and fullness with tonifying deficiency and dispelling excess, in which tonifying deficiency is mainly to tonify spleen qi and warm spleen yang; dispelling excess is mainly to dissipate phlegm and dampness, soothe liver qi, and eliminate food stagnation.
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