General situation of health management education in foreign universities and its enlightenment to China |
LUO Guihua REN Jiarui LI Wenqing BAI Simin GUO Kun OUYANG Jing |
College of Humanities and Management, Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China
Abstract The implementation of Healthy China 2030 Plan is in urgent need of a large number of health service workers. In 2015, the Ministry of Education added the undergraduate major of “health service and management” under the first-level discipline of management. Up to now, there are 124 colleges and universities offering this major. However, there are still some problems in this major, such as short construction time, little accumulation, and lack of experience. Therefore, colleges and universities actively explore and innovate the training mode of health management talents, and cultivate applied talents to meet the development needs of the big health industry under the guidance of healthy China plan. This paper introduces the general situation of health management education in the United States and Japan, and sorts out the problems and challenges of health management education in China from the aspects of curriculum system, subject orientation, academic education system, and teacher team construction, trying to provide reference and thinking for the development of health management education in colleges and universities in China.
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