Application of Shengjiang Powder in children with acute suppurative tonsillitis based on ascending and descending theory |
GUO Jianbo SONG Lina LUAN Junqi CHEN Hong ZHANG Wei |
The First Department of Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150000, China |
Abstract Acute suppurative tonsillitis in children belongs to the category of “tonsillitis” in traditional Chinese medicine. In clinical practice, clearing heat and removing toxicity, relieving throat disorder and detumescence are the therapeutic principles. The theory of ascending and descending is based on regulating the ascending and descending tendency of viscera-qi and the development of disease tendency, and it is also an important principle for the combination and compatibility of Chinese Materia Medica, and is affected by the drug odor, channel tropism, weight of texture, processing methods and medicinal parts and other factors. Shengjiang Powder is originally designed for warm disease, that’s what it’s called “when there is heat in both interior and superficies, and sanjiao, at the same time, the syndrome and treatment can not be described, this prescription can be used”. Now this prescription has been widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of children with acute suppurative tonsillitis. The author starting from the key pathogenesis of acute suppurative tonsillitis in traditional Chinese medicine, according to the medicinal properties theory of the compatibility of Bombyx Batryticatus with Cicadae Periostracum, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma with Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma and chinese rice wine with honey in Shengjiang Powder, so as to improve the clarity and reduce turbidity, tongli sanjiao and regulate qi to balance qi. The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical basis for the treatment of acute suppurative tonsillitis in children with the theory of ascending and descending, to add or subtract according to the symptoms, to treat based on syndrome differentiation, and a medical record attached, to combine the medicinal properties theory with clinical practice in pediatrics, to broaden the theoretical study of Shengjiang Powder, it also provides a new idea and a new method for the treatment of acute suppurative tonsillitis in children.
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