Analysis of medication rule of orthopedics and traumatology in Naxi and Buyi nationalities based on data mining#br# |
ZHOU Honghai1 LU Qingwang2 LI Jilin2 LI Dongyang2 HE Xinyu2 ZENG Yuming2 |
1.Department of Orthopedics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530023, China;
2.College of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530001, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the medication rule of orthopedics and traumatology in Naxi and Buyi nationalities based on data mining. Methods By extracting the prescriptions for orthopedics and traumatology of Naxi and Buyi nationalities in relevant national medicine monographs, the medication rule was excavated by frequency analysis, cluster analysis, and association rule analysis. Results A total of 111 orthopedics and traumatology prescriptions of Naxi nationality were collected, involving 256 drugs, 35 drugs were used more than six times; 96 orthopedics and traumatology prescriptions of Buyi nationality were collected, involving 150 drugs, 24 drugs were used more than three times. High-frequency drugs of Naxi nationality were mostly tonifying, dispelling wind and dampness, activating blood and resolving stasis drugs; high-frequency drugs of Buyi nationality were mostly dispelling wind and dampness, activating blood and resolving stasis drugs. The drug property of high-frequency drugs of the two nationalities was mainly warm (including mild warm), and the drug flavours were mainly pungent, bitter (including mild bitter), and sweet, and the main channels were liver and kidney channels. Seven kinds of clustering combinations and 33 groups of association rules were obtained for Naxi nationality. Six kinds of clustering combinations and 36 groups of association rules were obtained for Buyi nationality. Conclusion Naxi and Buyi nationalities are good use of drugs which the drug property are warm, the drug flavours are pungent, bitter and sweet, the channels are liver and kidney channels. Orthopedics and traumatology drugs of Naxi nationality are mainly used to tonify liver and kidney, followed by dispelling wind and dampness, activating blood and resolving stasis, while orthopedics and traumatology drugs of Buyi nationality are mainly used to dispel wind and dampness, activate blood and resolving stasis, followed by tonifying liver and kidney.
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