Discussion on prevention and treatment of epidemic disease with ancient traditional Chinese medicine#br# |
GUAN Linyu XIAO Yongzhi |
Institute of Traditional Chinese Medical History and Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Epidemic disease occurred frequently in ancient China. In the struggle against the epidemic disease, the ancient people accumulated rich experience in the prevention of the epidemic disease, and established and gradually improved the system of epidemic disease and treatment and treatment. Medical books such as Zhouhou Beiji Fang, Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang, Taiping Shenghui Fang recorded the prescriptions and methods of prevention of epdemic disease, including the methods of internal and external drugs, most of the internal prescriptions are powder and pills, TuSu Wine Prescription is widely used. Representative external prescriptions, Taiyi Liujin Fang, in order to make sweet bursa and burn and avoid the epidemic disease, also have Realgar Powder, Fenshen Powder, and Medicated Bath Prescriptions. Theories of treating epidemic went through three stages of change, in Han, Wei, and Jin Dynasties, Treatise on Typhoid Disease was composed for syndrome differentiation and treatment epidemic disease, used the typhoid theory to govern febrile disease, syndrome differentiation by six disease, prescription and syndrome contrasted with each other. From Sui, Tang to Jin, Yuan Dynasties, typhoid fever, warm disease, and epidemic disease were separated treatment, there were different etiology, pathogenesis, and conversion. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wu Youke created pestilence theory, defense-qi-nut and syndrome differentiation of triple energizer lead to treat epidemic. The theory and technology of syndrome differentiation and treatment of epidemic disease were constantly improved.
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