Discussion on medication rule of traditional Chinese medicine in treating postherpetic neuralgia based on data mining#br# |
YAN Mingyue1 LI Yingjia1 CHEN Yuanyuan1 TAN Weiqiang1 LIU Xin1 LI Meichen1 ZHUANG Lixing2 |
1.Clinical Medical College of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Rehabilitation, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China;
2.Rehabilitation Center, the First Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the medication rule of traditional Chinese medicine in treating postherpetic neuralgia based on data mining. Methods CNKI, Wanfang database, VIP Chinese periodical service platform and China biomedical literature service system were searched. The relevant literatures on the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia with traditional Chinese medicine from the establishment of the database to April 2021 were collected and screened, the database was established. The medication rule was analyzed based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance auxiliary platform (V3.0). Results A total of 386 prescriptions were selected, involving 273 herbs. The property of a medicine was mainly cold, warm, and flat. The herbal medicines in a prescription was mainly bitter, supplemented by spicy and sweet products. The meridians were mainly liver, heart, spleen, and lung meridians. The top five Chinese medicines in terms of medication frequency were Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Rhizoma Corydalis, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Paeoniae Radix Alba and Bupleuri Radix. Commonly used drug combinations included Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Rhizoma Corydalis, Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Bupleuri Radix, Carthami Flos-Persicae Semen, etc. Five drug association rules and six new prescriptions were excavated. Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicine pays equal attention to tonifying deficiency and removing blood stasis in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. It is treated from the perspectives of deficiency, depression and blood stasis. On the basis of drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, the drugs of benefiting qi and strengthening vital qi, dispersing stagnated liver qi and clearing heat are added.
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