Analysis of English translation on Chinese medical Qigong terms from the perspective of the theory of adaptation and selection#br# |
WANG Tingting ZHANG Chunxiao SHEN Yi |
School of Humanities, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China |
Abstract Since Chinese medical Qigong has absorbed the theoretical knowledge of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and others, its terms are rich in connotation, which causes the difficulty in English translation. Because of the lack of a unified translation standard of Chinese medical Qigong terms, therefore, the translation of the same term varies from one version to another. Although the translation can be simplified through common methods as literal translation and transliteration, it loses the cultural connotation and characteristics. Taking it for consideration, based on the theory of adaptation and selection, the author takes “Ba Duan Jin”, “Tiao Xi”, “Dan Tian”, and “Wu Qin Xi” as examples to analyze different translation versions from the language dimension, culture dimension, and communication dimension through the method of comparative study. And the paper stresses the importance of the cultural connotation in translation and aims to explore a new way for Chinese medicine Qigong terms translation to make contribution for its standardization.
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