Medical education thought of Waike Zhengzong#br# |
ZHAO Yang DONG Wei YANG Tianren GUO Hongwei |
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Waike Zhengzong which is written by Ming Dynasty physician Chen Shigong that contains a wealth of moral and professional content and medical education thoughts. It is not only a relatively complete medical standard at that time, but also has important significance for improving personal cultivation and medical services of modern physicians. In the process of elaborating medical theory, Chen Shigong summarizes the medical ethics of doctors in the past dynasties, and creatively put forward the special articles “the five precepts of doctors” and “the ten essentials of doctors”. In the process of research, this article summarizes the medical education thoughts of Chen Shigong. He warns that doctors should know confucianism first, then study medical knowledge, medicine is benevolence; doctors use prescriptions like soldiers, and proficient medical theory is the principle of learning medicine; familiar, universal, and enjoyable for the people; go over ancient books and read new books, lifelong learning of medical students is the main task, etc. Summarizing this medical education thought is of great significance to the training of Chinese medicine talents.
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