Analysis of characteristics of Jiangsu medical school in Ming and Qing dynasties#br# |
WU Chengyan1 ZHANG Lei2 WU Chengyu2 REN Weiming2 FAN Chongfeng1 LIN Yibing1 |
1.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210046, China;
2.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & College of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210046, China |
Abstract Through comprehensive understanding and research of Jiangsu medical school, this paper focuses on analyzing the characteristics of Wumen medical school, Menghe medical school, and Shanyang medical school, which are famous for their regional schools in Jiangsu during the Ming and Qing dynasties, it summarizes and elaborates the characteristics of Wumen medical school, including the establishment of treatise on febrile, multiple medical families, multiple imperial doctors and official doctors, and multiple medical books; Menghe medical school is famous for its value of classic and extensive clinical practice, gentle and flexible drug use, and its diversification of medical teaching; Shanyang medical school is characterized by the study of treatise on febrile to further improve the theory and the wide spread of medical works among the people; Longsha medical school makes good use of the theory of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors, attaches importance to the application of the classical prescription in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases, which makes it famous in the medical field. It demonstrates the achievements and charm of Jiangsu medical school in Ming and Qing dynasties. In order to better inherit, excavate, and promote the medical schools of academic thought and experience to provide some ideas and reference.
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