Overview of systematic reviews of invigorating qi and warming yang, promoting blood circulation and inducing diuresis in treating chronic heart failure#br# |
LI Jiazhuo WANG Yudan SUI Yanbo ZHANG Hongting ZOU Guoliang GUO Dandan |
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate methodological quality of systematic evaluation of invigorating qi and warming yang, promoting blood circulation and inducing diuresis in treating chronic heart failure, and evaluate the outcome indicators included in the systematic review. Methods The databases of CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, PubMed and Cochrane Library were searched by computer. The systematic evaluation of invigorating qi and warming yang, promoting blood circulation and inducing diuresis in treating chronic heart failure was searched. The retrieval time limit was from the establishment of the database to December 2020. Data was independently screened and extracted by two researchers, in case of any objection, it shall be decided by the third person, then the methodological quality of the included literature was evaluated with AMSTAR2 scale, GRADE classification was used to evaluate the quality of evidence included in the literature. Results Finally, 14 systematic evaluations were included, the methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated with AMSTAR2 scale, seven items were reported completely, five items were not reported, and the overall quality was low. GRADE was used to evaluate the outcome indicators, the evidence grades of outcome indicators were medium quality, low quality and very low quality. Conclusion Invigorating qi and warming yang, promoting blood circulation and inducing diuresis can effectively treat chronic heart failure. However, there are some problems in the retrieved system evaluation, such as low quality of methodology and low quality of evidence. High quality research should be carried out in the future. In addition, the writing of system evaluation should be standardized and objective.
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