Analysis of Professor Zhao Haibin’s formulation rules and medication experience in the treatment of psycho-cardiological disease based on data mining#br# |
LIU Xiang1 TANG Zhuoran1 QI Xin1 JIA Zihao1 ZHOU Yue1 ZHAO Haibin2 |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Cardiology, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100071, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the rule of Professor Zhao Haibin’s formulation rules and experience in the treatment of psycho-cardiological disease based on data mining technology. Methods A total of 194 prescriptions for psycho-cardiological disease treated by Professor Zhao Haibin from January 2018 to April 2021 were recorded into the system of traditional Chinese medcine assisting inheritation platform (V2.5), and association rules and hierarchical clustering algorithms were adopted. Data mining was carried out from many aspects, such as drug frequency, four nature of drugs and five flavors, and their return meridian, core combination and potential new prescription. Results The 194 prescriptions contain 148 traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, warm, cold, and clam drugs were more common, while pungent, bitter, and sweet drugs were commonly used. The main channels were spleen, lung, stomach, liver, and heart. The top three Chinese medicines were Rhizoma Pinelliae, Poria, and Ramulus Cinnamomi. A total of 22 drug pairs combinations were obtained, and the correlation between Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Poria was the highest. Twenty-two core combinations composed of three drugs and four new formula combinations were excavated. Conclusion In the treatment of psycho-cardiological disease, Professor Zhao Haibin attaches great importance to regulating qi movement, and often uses the methods of regulating qi-flowing and heat-clearing, dissipating phlegm and inducing diuresis, supplementing qi and blood, promoting blood circulation for removing obstruction in collaterals, resolving phlegm and benefiting water, tonifying qi and blood, and tranquillization.
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