Textual research on the connotation of “six climatic factors” in Huangdi Neijing#br# |
WANG Shuang YANG Wei |
Visceral Manifestation Laboratory, Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Based on the numerous occurrences, complex meaning, and vague concept of “six climatic factors” in Huangdi Neijing, this paper analyzes the content of “six climatic factors” in Huangdi Neijing, and refers to the commentaries of later medical scholars, and concludes that the six climatic factors can be divided into two major parts, namely, the six climatic factors of nature and the six climatic factors of human body. Among them, the six climatic factors of nature divides the meaning of six climatic factors into two parts, one is wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness and fire, which are the six climatic characteristics of nature, another is in the doctrine of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors of Huangdi Neijing, plusing three yin and three yang on the top of wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness and fire, together called six climatic factors. It has certain time rules and corresponding climatic characteristics. In the six climatic factors of the human body, the meaning of six climatic factors covers two kinds, one is essence, qi, clear fluid, turbid fluid, blood and veins, the basic living substance of human body, another is the concept of six climatic factors of internal generation which derived by later medical practitioners based on the theory of six-excess external contraction of Huangdi Neijing. Exploring the theory of six climatic factors and objectively understanding the clinical value of the theory of six climatic factors has important clinical guiding significance to explain the etiology, pathogenesis, and human physiological and pathological mechanism.
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