Research on the developement problems of social services about psychology for the elderly#br# |
YAO Wenqi ZHU Qian |
College of Management, Zunyi Medical University, Guizhou Province, Zunyi 563000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate existing problems and influenceing factors of social services about psychology for the elderly from the perspective of the elderly psychological service practitioners, and put forward suggestions for the effective development of social services about psychology for the elderly. Methods From September to November 2020, in-depth interviews were conducted with the employees of providing social services about psychology for the elderly in Taiyuan Shantou pension institution by snowball sampling method, based on grounded theory research method, the interview content was analyzed, and the development problems of social services about psychology for the elderly were summarized. Results After three-level coding, 364 original concepts, 75 concepts, 17 categories, and 4 axialcoding were sorted out, and finally a story line was formed: the implementation of psychosocial services about psychology plays an important role in improving the mental health level for the elderly, but there were many dilemmas in the actual development process. The development of its services was affected by factors such as the cognition of social services about psychology, service capacity of each organization, and guarantee mechanism. Among them, service organization construction was the key, service cognition and behavior were the premise, service guarantee mechanism was the external support. Conclusion Social services about psychology for the elderly need to solve the dilemma, improve the cognition and behavior of social services about psychology for the elderly, strengthen the organization and construction of psychosocial service for the elderly, and perfect the security system of social services about psychology for the elderly.
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