Investigation and analysis of children’s medication information in the drug instructions for intravenous drip medication in Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Tongling#br# |
Department of Pharmacy, Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Tongling, Anhui Province, Tongling 244000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the information labeling conditions of children’s medication in the instructions for intravenous drip medicines in Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Tongling (“our hospital” for short), and to provide a reference for standardizing the information on the instructions. Methods The instructions for intravenous infusion medicines used in our hospital from January to April 2021 was collected, the medication information for children mentioned in ten items such as “usage and dosage” “adverse reactions” and “children’s medications” in the instructions into an Excel table were listed, and statistical analysis to relevant content was carried on. Results The labeling rate of children’s medication information in 104 intravenous drip drug inserts was generally low; the labeling rate of children’s drug information in the foreign-funded drug manuals was generally higher than that of domestic drugs; the labeling rate of children’s medication information in western medicine instructions was generally higher than that of Chinese patent medicines; “children’s medication” item of medication information labeling was seriously missing; the instruction manual was not revised in time; among them, the conversion of children’s drug dosage in the antibacterial drug instructions was not standardized; there were differences in the usage and dosage of the three groups of foreign and domestic intravenous antibacterial drugs in the instructions for children. Conclusion There are many problems in the labeling of children’s medication information in the instructions for intravenous infusion drugs, which need to be further improved and should be paid attention by the relevant national departments.
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