Clinical experience of Wuzhuyu Decoction in treating headache#br# |
WANG Jiandong HUANG Xiaobo |
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract Wuzhuyu Decoction, first seen in Shanghan Lun, is a representative prescription for jueyin disease with headache. The author thinks that jueyin disease with headache should not be limited to parietal headache. Some migraines and eye distending pain can also be classified as jueyin disease with headache. The person must be accompanied by afraid of cold and fond of warm, which is especially true for the head afraid of cold and wind, pale tongue, white fur, stringy pulse, or accompanied by digestive system symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, salivation, epigastric fullness, etc. The pathogenesis is deficiency cold of liver and stomach, upward counterflowing of turbid yin, add and subtract Wuzhuyu Decoction was used as the prescription. In addition, Wuzhuyu Decoction can also treat headache with phlegm-fluid retention and some chronic headache, which expands the application of Wuzhuyu Decoction in the treatment of headache. As for the dosage of medicinal evodia fruit, the author thinks that the dosage should be increased or decreased according to the severity of the disease and the patient’s constitution, 3 g-6 g-9 g. The dosage of medicinal evodia fruit should not be copied from the ancient prescription, and it should not be too rigidly adhered to the pharmacopoeia, otherwise, the drug dose used for serious diseases is low, making the treatment effect is not good. On this basis, it is the premise of safe use of Wuzhuyu Decoction to pay attention to the quality of Wuzhuyu Decoction Pieces and decocting method.
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