Visual analysis on research hotspot and trend of primary liver cancer in the field of traditional Chinese medicine based on CiteSpace#br# |
YU Huibo1,2 HU Jiaqi1,2 CHEN Shuntai1,2 CHEN Xin1 ZHENG Honggang1 |
1.Department of Oncology, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China;
2.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the research hotspot and trend of primary liver cancer in the field of Chinese medicine in recent 20 years by using visualization. Methods With “traditional Chinese medicine” and “primary liver cancer” as the research topics, Chinese literatures were searched from CNKI database from January 2000 to October 2020. The authors, institutions and keywords of these literatures were visually analyzed by CiteSpace. Results A total of 2488 Chinese literatures were included, the annual published articles showed a gradually increasing trend. Ling Changquan was the most prolific author, forming teams with Ling Changquan, Fang Zhaoqin and Chen Chuang as the core. Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was the most prolific institutions, and the cooperation between different institutions was quite different. Removing subject words relevant keywords, the top three keywords were “review”, “Compound Kushen Injection” and “intervention therapy”, the top three centrality keywords were “apoptosis”, “mouse” and “Compound Kushen Injection”. A total of 13 clusters and 24 emergent words were appeared. Conclusion In recent 20 years, the research content of primary liver cancer in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China is rich. At present, the hotspots are summarizing clinical experience and the molecular biological mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine improving liver function, immune function and cancer pain in patients with liver cancer.
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