Development status and comparison of traditional medical education, legislation, and medical and health systems in China, Japan, and South Korea#br# |
SHI Xueqin AN Hong ZHAO Zhupei ZHU Tingyu LIU Meihan LIU Jianfeng |
Institute for the History of Chinese Medicine and Medical Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract The traditional medicine of China, Japan, and South Korea has a solid foundation and relatively good overall development, but each has its own characteristics in education, legislation, and medical and health systems. In education, China, Japan, and South Korea are paying more and more attention to traditional medicine, but China embodies the characteristics of “equal importance to both Chinese and Western medicine”; Japanese traditional medicine is a supplementary education based on Western medicine; South Korea focuses on the study of Kampo medicine to construct an education and training system based on the core of traditional medicine. In terms of legislation, traditional medicine in China, Japan, and South Korea is recognized by official laws. China emphasizes “equal emphasis on Chinese and Western medicine” and supports the development of traditional medicine; Japan focuses on the laws of Chinese medicine, and South Korea continues to regulate traditional medicine. In the medical and health system, the traditional medicine of China, Japan, and South Korea has a high degree of participation, Chinese traditional medicine doctors have certain Western medicine prescription rights, and traditional medicine has the widest treatment population; South Korean doctors and Western medicine are seriously separated. However, the scope of diagnosis and treatment by Korean doctors is wide; Japan focuses on the participation of Kampo medicine. Comparing the development status of traditional medicine in China, Japan, and South Korea, we can learn from the advantages of the development of traditional medicine in Japan and South Korea to make up for the shortcomings in the development of traditional medicine in China, so as to better demonstrate the advantages of traditional medicine in China and improve its service capabilities.
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