Professor Zhou Yabin’s experience in the multi-directional treatment of Bi-heart disease based on the theory of spirit and soul and inferior spiritand and coordinating heart and liver#br# |
LI Chengjia1 WANG He2 YANG Xinxin1 JIANG Nan1 MENG Tianwei1 LI Dongxu1 LIU Yingzhe2 ZHOU Yabin2 |
1.Graduate School, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150000, China;
2.the Second Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, First Affilated Hospital, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150000, China |
Abstract Bi-heart disease, that is, the heart and the mind are accompanied by onset. The disease is a cross-discipline in modern medicine, there are few explanations. In recent years, the diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine of bi-heart disease have shown its advantages gradually. Professor Zhou Yabin believes that palpitation is the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis of Bi-heart disease, and the etiology and pathogenesis are liver qi stagnation or heart and liver blood deficiency. He proposes that clinical syndromes should be treated in many ways, starting with the holistic view from the theory of spirit and soul and inferior spiritand, starting with the microscosmic view from the liver to “heart controls blood circulation” and “heart controls mental activities” two aspects of the impact, and he put forwords that tonifying heart and liver, subduing yang and tranquilizing palpitation throughout the treatment. The prescriptions are Chaihu Guizhi Longgu Muli Decoction and Guipi Decoction, the addition and subtraction of drugs adhere to the principle of emphasizing the spleen and stomach. All kinds of drugs have the effect of regulating yin and yang mildly and tranquilizing spirit to calm palpitation, and the effect is definite.
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LI Chengjia1 WANG He2 YANG Xinxin1 JIANG Nan1 MENG Tianwei1 LI Dongxu1 LIU Yingzhe2 ZHOU Yabin2. Professor Zhou Yabin’s experience in the multi-directional treatment of Bi-heart disease based on the theory of spirit and soul and inferior spiritand and coordinating heart and liver#br#[J]. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(35): 150-153.
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https://www.yiyaodaobao.com.cn/EN/ OR https://www.yiyaodaobao.com.cn/EN/Y2021/V18/I35/150 |
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