Professor Wang Xiuxia’s view on “circular-motion of five phases” in treating ovarian cancer#br# |
YU Yang1 SHEN Ying1 YANG Shuang1 HAN Fengjuan2 |
1.Graduate School, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.the Third Department of Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Based on the theory of “circular-motion of five phases”, Professor Wang Xiuxia believes that the movement of all things between heaven and earth is a big circle movement, while the movement of five internal organs within the human body is a small circle movement. If we want to understand the theory of yin and yang and five organs, we should first understand the way of “circular-motion of five phases”. Therefore, the etiology and pathogenesis of ovarian cancer are summarized as water losing warm malnutrition, wood losing free activity, and central axis losing movement. She proposes warming moisture, regulating wood qi, strengthening soil and drying dampness, so as to recover circular-motion, and takes self-made Lichong Shengsui Decoction to add and subtract treatment. At the time of clinical diagnosis, she emphasizes that loyal to the Chinese medicine and refer to the Western medicine, sinicizes the West. She also explores the role of this prescription in the treatment of ovarian cancer, and pays more attention to the emotional factors of patients, treats them both physically and mentally, and improves their life cycle and quality of life.
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