Cleaning effect and influencing factors of medical equipment in the central sterile supply department #br# |
BAO Chun YAN Xing TIAN Lu |
Disinfection Supply Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China |
Abstract Objective To observe the cleaning effect of the central sterile supply department (CSSD) medical equipment, and to analyze the influencing factors of the unqualified cleaning. Methods A prospective sample selected 182 medical devices recovered by CSSD from Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University from January 2017 to December 2019. After cleaning, the cleaning effect of all medical devices and they were divided into qualified and unqualified groups according to the evaluation of cleaning effect. The baseline data questionnaire was designed, the influencing factors of CSSD medical device cleaning failure was analyzed. Results Ten of the 182 medical devices failed to be cleaned, with a failure rate of 5.49%, were regarded as the unqualified group; 172 medical devices were qualified, with a pass rate of 94.51%, which was regarded as the qualified group. There were statistically significant differences in the average daily frequency of use, equipment type, pollution degree, contaminated equipment placement time, lack of relevant knowledge of staff, and poor pretreatment of two groups (P < 0.05). The logistic regression analysis showed that the average daily frequency of use (OR = 11.020), fine equipment (OR = 15.012), heavy pollution (OR = 31.652), long placement time of contaminated equipment (OR = 4.921), and the lack of relevant knowledge of staff (OR = 41.886) and poor pretreatment (OR = 15.657) were the influencing factors of CSSD medical device cleaning failure (P < 0.05). Conclusion The rate of non-compliance of cleaning of medical devices in CSSD is higher, which may be related to the high daily use frequency of the equipment, fine equipment, heavy pollution, long placement time of contaminated equipment, lack of relevant knowledge of staff and poor pretreatment.
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