Establishment of scoring system in differential diagnosis of Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis based on quantltative and quatltative analysis of histological evaluation |
HU Baoying YUAN Shuai▲ ZHOU Haihua |
Department of Gastroenterology, the Affiliated Xiaolan Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangdong Province, Zhongshan 528415, China |
Abstract Objective To establish an effective differential diagnostic model of Crohn's disease (CD) and intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) based on quantltative and quatltative analysis of histological evaluation. Methods 66 patients (35 cases of CD, 31 cases of ITB) were precisely diagnosed according to the current criteria. Quantltative (fissuring ulcers, crypt abscess, thickened submucosa, non-caseating granulomas, caseating granuloma) and quatltative (the number of granuloma in each section, the number of lymphoid aggregation in 10 high power field) histological evaluation of the two groups were collected. Variables were analyzed by univariate analysis first, then by multivariae Logistic regression analysis. A differential diagnosis model was developed based on the Logistic regression model and the scoring system was established in accordance with assigning of the value of each variable β in the model. Application efficiency of the diagnostic scoring system was tested by calculating area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results The non-caseating granulomas, the number of granuloma in each section, and the number of lymphoid aggregation in 10 high power field were included in the multivariate Logistic regression model. Area under the ROC curve of the diagnostic score scheme was 0.762 (95%CI 0.630-0.895). Conclusion The differential scoring system based on quantltative and quatltative analysis of histological evaluation provides a new and effective method for differential diagnosis between CD and ITB.
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