Research of present situation and development trend of wisdom medical in Shandong Province |
LI Xiumin DIAO Lijuan DING Ming |
School of Public Health and Management, Binzhou Medical University, Shandong Province, Yantai 264003, China |
Abstract Wisdom medical is alleviating the prominent medical problemsthrough cloud computing, internet of things, large data and other technologies. With the continuous development of information technology and modern medicine, wisdom medical service model have become the highest goal of medical and health development. At present, Chinese medical information construction is in the stage of changing from clinical information to regional medical information, and wisdom medical construction is still in the process of development. This paper discusses the concept and development status of wisdom medical from the related research results in recent years. It focuses on the characteristics of wisdom medical and the specific application and problems in Shandong Province. It analyzes the prospect of wisdom medical development and put forward relevant suggestions, which can provide reference for the further development of wisdom medical.
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