Native application of Morita psychotherapy in China |
LI Fengzhan LU Huijie YANG Qun SHI Wanghong▲ |
Faculty of Medical Psychology, Fourth Military Medical University, Shannxi Province, Xi'an 710032, China |
Abstract Morita psychotherapy has been arisen for nearly a hundred years and treated many clients effectively, but it has been also found some shortcomings during local practices. It indicates that local practice should take into account the local characteristics, which following the principle of "foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, various forms, learn widely from others' strong points, advance with the times" in the concrete implementation. For the selecting of treatment object, it should be targeted the person who has self-aware and Morita Characterand eliminate the object of non-psychological treatment. Specific treatment process should be built a good relationship which based on the trust. Therapist communicate with client should follow three aspects: what is the problem, the mechanism and solution of the problem, and help clients live through "empathy period, let nature take its course and cultivate period", and realize the goal of coexisting with the symptoms eventually.
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