The thinking of the development of traditional health care sports culture under the cultural security horizon |
QIN Hailong WANG Bin LU Songting MA Junjie |
Department of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract As the global economic and cultural communication increasing frequently, the blending and collision of national cultures are as "routine". But under the influence of western cultural hegemony, the strong western culture is constantly eroding and oppressive to the Chinese traditional culture, and it brings a series of "cultural security" problem. Therefore, cultural security becomes the primary problem in restricting the development of traditional culture. From the perspective of cultural security, the theory uses the methods of literature and comparative analysis and focuses on traditional health sports culture. On the basis of discussing the background and concept of cultural security, this paper analyzes the new challenges brought by cultural security to the development of traditional health sports culture. The article focuses on the three new approaches to the development of traditional health sports culture in the perspective of cultural security and provides references for the traditional health sports culture and the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture.
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