Research on the inheritance and development of traditional health-care sports from the perspective of pedagogy |
KANG Meng1 WU Zhikun1 JIAO Jianpeng2 WANG Xiaowei2 |
1.Department of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China;
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Long March Hospital Affiliated to Naval Military Medical University, Shanghai 200003, China |
Abstract This paper discusses the inheritance and development of traditional health-care sports in China from the perspective of pedagogy. The paper first analyzes the problems existing in traditional health-care and the real dilemma in the development status. It suggests that the inheritance and development of traditional health-care sports should take education as the main line, and consider strengthening cultural strategic consciousness as the guidance, and the concepts of people-oriented theme and regional characteristics not being ignored. Based on the concepts above, the paper puts forward the path selection of the inheritance and development of modern traditional health-care sports from the perspective of pedagogy, which mainly starts from the following aspects as improving the education system to realize the public education, standardizing relevant content to highlight regional characteristics, being attached to education system to optimize teaching model, advocating the “people-oriented” education training model and reorienting the teaching cognitive goal of traditional health-care sports.
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