Thoughts on improving the development of medical care and pension institutions in China |
XU Guanghao LI Chuanshi CUI Ruilan |
School of Marxism, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji′nan 250255, China |
Abstract With the increasing problem of aging in China, the demand for diversified and professional care and care of the elderly is increasing. However, the separation of “medical” and “raising” for the elderly in our country has caused the elderly to be very prominent in the maintenance demand problem. The path of “Integrating pension service with medical service” is an inevitable choice to alleviate the current severe and healthy aging situation. At present, it is urgent to break through the following difficult problems in the health and continuous development of medical care and pension institutions in China: the problem of occupancy and operation, the management of the government, the difficulty of implementing the policy, the shortage of talent resources, the single service mode and so on. In this paper, to solve the above problems, some suggestions are put forward, including encouraging the participation of the social forces, improving the government management mechanism, strengthening the construction of the talent team and innovating the mode of service for the aged. It is of great significance to improve the development of medical care and pension institutions, to solve the serious problems of the old age, to accelerate the implementation of the “healthy China” strategy, to boost the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and to enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness.
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