Professor Cui Shusheng′s experience summary in digital acupoint pressure of Shenque, Tianshu and Qihai |
JIANG Mengjia1 DING Honglei2 YOU Lu3 ZHANG Xu4 LI Luguang5 CUI Shusheng6▲ |
1.Department of Rehabilitation, Peking University Shougang Hospital, Beijing 100144, China;
2.TCM Orthopedics Department, Beijing Electric Power Hospital, Beijing 100073, China;
3.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, First People′s Hospital of Dongcheng District in Beijing City, Beijing 100075, China;
4.the Second Department of Rehabilitation, Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100102, China;
5.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
6.Famous Doctors Center, the Gulou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing, Beijing 100009, China |
Abstract Digital acupoint pressure of Shenque, Tianshu and Qihai, which is an important part of professor Cui Shusheng's characteristic treatment for acute lumbar sprain, and it is also the key to the work. Professor Cui Shusheng emphasizes the combination of trembling manipulation and acupoint pressure, acupoint Tianshu as deep as Shenque, acupoint Qihai to set the qi in motion and dissipate the stasis, also to transfer the heat into body. It commands doctors to be calm, dexterity, steady and quiet when using the acupuncture point to achieve the effect of softness, thickness and penetration. Professor Cui Shusheng chooses Shenque, Tianshu and Qihai according to syndrome differentiation to get yang from yin, which treats the pain caused by the irregular flow of the qi. It reflects the core idea of TCM overall view and dialectical treatment, and its clinical effect is remarkable.
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