Research review and reconsideration of Yin Shan Zheng Yao from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine |
LI Jinghua1 YAO Ziang2 ZHONG Fengying1 ZHAI Xing3 WANG Ping3 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Clinical Medical College of Guang'anmen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100053, China;
3.Management School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Throughout the past half century, the study about Yin Shang Zheng Yao is mainly based on historical data and ethnic culture, and the most of them involved medicated food, diet therapy and health care. There are few researches on the connotation of traditional Chinese medicine. This article bases on the present researches on Yin Shang Zheng Yao, and in the perspective of connotation of traditional Chinese medicine discusses, thinks and summarizes its achievements, that hopes to play a positive role to discovery precious information of ethnic traditional Chinese medicine and promote the development of ethnic traditional Chinese medicine.
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