Application of twenty-four solar terms therapy in chronic disease management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
WANG Jialing1 LIU Wenwen1 ZHENG Yanchan1 XU Yinji2▲ |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China;
2.Respiratory Department, Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China |
Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has relationship with five zang viscera, and acute exacerbation is clearly relevant to climates. According to the theory of six climatic factors, the twenty-four solar terms can be divided into six stages. During the first stage, the time of wind wood of jueyin, the patients can be easily affected by the over uprising of liver qi, so it is necessary to strengthen the regulation of qi movement of liver and lung. While in the second stage, the time of sovereign fire of shaoyin, the heart qi is getting hotter, the patients who have developed into pulmonary heart disease should strengthen the therapy of nourishing heart. In the third stage, the time of shaoyang assistant fire, summerheat dampness is striking, and the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are easily attacked by summerheat dampness, thus it is necessary to strengthen the therapy of clearing heat and eliminating dampness. In the fourth stage, the time of wet earth of taiyin, the spleen was disturbed by dampness pathogen, the patients with deficiency of both lung and spleen should nourish spleen based on syndrome differentiation. In the fifth stage, the time of dry gold of yangming, the main manifestation is lung dryness, so it is necessary to strengthen the therapy of clearing lung-heat and moistening dryness. In the sixth stage, the time of cold water of taiyang, the kidney begins to accumulate the needed essence, the patients with deficiency of both lung and kidney can invigorate lung and kidney based on syndrome differentiation. The chronic management of combining medicine and daily aftercare can achieve the purpose of improving the quality of life and prognosis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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