Listeria Monocytogenes infection in pregnancy and its impact on mother and infant |
XIAO Ling1 ZOU Liying2▲ |
1.Department of Obstetrics, the First Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Dongchen District, Beijing 100007, China;
2.Department of Obstetrics, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100026,China |
Abstract Listeriosis is an anthropozoonosis caused by Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes). It is acquired by humans primarily through consumption of contaminated food. Listeria monocytogenes has strong pathogenicity to human through produced the hemolytictoxin, especially high risk patients such as pregnant women, elderly people, immuno compressed people, unborn babies, andneonates (through vertical transmission from the mother or, more rarely, at birth by ascending colonisation from the vagina). Infection causes a spectrum of illness, including bacteraemia, sepsis, meningoencephalitis and abortion, but symptoms are nonspecific and diagnosis is difficult. Alsolisteriosishas a highmortality. The aim of this review article is to introduced the relationship between it and pregnacy, so as to improve the pregnancy outcome.
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