Research on the disbursement and budget management of scientific research expenditure |
WANG Mingli WU Dan▲ |
Finance Department, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Huhhot 010030, China
Abstract It is an effective way to improve the system of scientific research expenditure to make the disbursement and budget management rationally. It is the core of the development of modern science and scientific innovation to learn about the strategy, direction and the development trend of the expenditure accurately, transfer the advantages of scientific and technological research and development into actual productivity, and improve the development of national economy. This article analyzes the international, domestic and interregional data of the ratio between the input and the expenditure of scientific research. Based on the disbursement principles and features, this article is expected to provide a basis for the research of expenditure management and the government support of scientific research input by analyzing the current situation, existence problems, development trend and signification of the budget management of scientific research expenditure.
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