Exploration and research on curriculum construction of Chinese medicine culture |
FU Wendi |
Chinese Medicine Culture Research And Communication Center, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine discipline is the comprehensive summary of traditional Chinese medicine culture, which is systematic and theoretical. In current situation, traditional Chinese medicine is highly valued by our country, which speeds up the college education development of Chinese medicine that regards Chinese medicine culture as the breakthrough and brings about great opportunities for Chinese medicine culture. Although Chinese medicine culture discipline develops in a fast way, it is in the spontaneous and free construction stage, which has no consensus about some basic problems in Chinese medicine culture. The construction of Chinese medicine culture discipline should be considered from the aspects of theory construction, practice exploration and future development. Its basic theory, course exploitation, technology integration and method creation should be paid more attention. Guiding ideology, basic content, teaching method and education for teachers should be the breakthrough, which makes the course construction of Chinese medicine culture be the pioneer of Chinese medicine education reform. It contributes to the cultural heritage of Chinese medicine.
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