Relevant theories discussion on the incidence of depression and yang qi in the five internal organs |
WANG Liyuan1 ZHU Weining2 SHI Ling3 |
1.Medical Department, Weihai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Weihai 264200, China;
2.Spleen and Stomach Department, Weihai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Weihai 264200, China;
3.Mind Disease Department, Weihai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Weihai 264200, China |
Abstract Yang qi is the foundation of human spirit life activity, which plays a crucial role in our life. The adequate yang qi ensures the orderly life metabolism. On the contrary, insufficient yang qi will weaken or decrease the function of viscera, and make the ascending and descending functional activities of qi abnormal. It will thus affect the five minds and cause a series of complex emotional diseases. As a common thymopathy, depressive disorder is classified as the category of depression in traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed that the pathogenesis of depression is closely related to yang qi, and is the product of insufficiency of yang qi and low dynamic state. Meanwhile, this article discusses that the insufficiency of the five internal organs is closely related to the occurrence of depression, and analyzes theoretically in detail. Combining with the etiology and pathogenesis, this article puts forward a basic depression treatment principle based on warming yang and regulating qi and related viscera function. Common symptoms are summarized in clinical diagnosis and treatment, so as to provide an effective basis for the clinical prevention and treatment of the disease.
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