Professor Zhao Mingjun’s experience in treating double heart disease from the perspective of “emotion” |
NING Bo1 GE Teng1 WU Yongqing1 WANG Lirong2 SHANG Yu1 KOU Linli1 LI Shuyu1 ZHAO Mingjun2 |
1.School of Graduate, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712000, China;
2.the First Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712000, China
Abstract Double heart disease is a common clinical disease at present, and the treatment effect of traditional Chinese medicine is remarkable. Professor Zhao Mingjun, based on the theory of the five emotion and the concept of the unity of form and the emotion in traditional Chinese medicine, believes that the general etiology and pathogenesis of double heart disease is the disorder of form and the emotion and the disease of emotion. He advocates the treatment of heart and liver together with coronary heart disease accompanied by anxiety and depression, which should promote blood circulation, regulate the liver and stabilize the soul. For cardiovascular neurosis advocate double heart treatment, treatment to harmonize ying and wei, nourishing the mind; form and the emotion of the same tune, follow the “qing” as the cause, to “emotion” as the source, emotion to cure the organs, noursrishing the shen with the organs. This article summarizes Professor Zhao Mingjun’s experience in treating double heart disease and a case study.
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